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My Approach

Utilizing the transformative power of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB), my approach to therapy is rooted in a deep understanding of the interconnectedness between the mind, brain, and relationships. IPNB is an interdisciplinary framework that brings together a multitude of disciplines to illuminate how our mental processes, brain functions, and interactions intertwine.


At its core, IPNB views the mind as a dynamic process that regulates the flow of energy and information through neural pathways. This process is enriched by engagement, connection, and communication, shared and regulated between individuals. It recognizes how these interpersonal dynamics influence the maturation of our nervous system (our fight, flight, or freeze response), which ultimately shapes the way we perceive and respond to the world.


Early life experiences play a significant role in brain development, and disruptions in caregiver presence and availability can lead to attachment disturbance, altering and impacting our emotional regulation and behavior. 




In our journey towards health, I believe in the significance of relationships that provide stability and support. As an AMFT, my focus is on supporting individuals, couples, and children through the various seasons and transitions they encounter.  I facilitate profound insights into life circumstances, fostering growth and self-discovery.


My therapeutic philosophy centers on respect for each client's autonomy while cultivating meaningful connections. Recognizing that every brain is adaptable through awareness and experience, I collaborate with clients to create new ways of relating that promote positive change.


Meeting clients where they are, I integrate diverse tools like art, literature, meditation, and mindfulness into our sessions. By embracing their unique insights and goals, I empower clients to guide the therapeutic process. Together, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

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